On Thursday the 6th of March Apple released the official iPhone software developer kit. As a lot of developers were hoping it is a 'real' SDK, working with Xcode and opening up the iPhone OS. It appears that the iPhone OS is very much based on Mac OS X, even down to running on a BSD derived kernel.
The most exciting layer for myself is the cocoa touch layer, where one can program all the user interaction level.
Personally, I'm very excited about developing for this platform and, naturally my first question was around open source. Apple have stated that one can produce free apps for the iPhone and they will not charge the developer anything. You must obtain Apple certification however and pay for the privilege to do so. It's a one off payment though and not very substantial.
The only bad news is the new software for the iPhone that enables apps to be downloaded; the appstore, will not be available until June. A good few companies have already been developing some very interesting apps though. Find out more on the Apple developer site.
Friday, 14 March 2008
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